Proudly Working for the Future

Proudly working for the future – As a family business, Koehler wants to make a sustainable contribution to society and the environment through its business operations.

Area of Action 1

Successful, Future-Proof
Products and Services


All innovations meet the relevant circularity criteria in technical and/or biological terms.


Our raw materials are of renewable or mineral origin.


Our customers manage to reduce their CO2e1 emissions thanks to our products.


Our newly developed products are subject to an environmental performance evaluation and perform better than comparable products on the market.


Complaint rate

Selected partnerships with companies and external organizations support development.

Area of Action 2

Renewable Raw materials
and Responsible Sources


Our virgin fibers originate from sustainable forestry and controlled sources.


Our virgin fibers are FSC® or PEFC certified.


The biomass we use either as a material or for generating energy comes from responsible sources.


Retail sales should take place at least on the basis of the EcoVadis Standard (rating >60%) or an equivalent Supplier Code of Conduct.


New biomass materials are identified and tested every year.

Area of Action 3

Resource Efficiency


We are reducing the use of raw and auxiliary materials per square meter of paper.


We are reducing the use of fuel per kilowatt hour of energy generated.


We are improving our environmental performance indicator.

Area of Action 4

A Visionary Approach to
Climate Action


We are reducing our direct emissions from the use of fuels (Scope 1).


We are reducing our indirect emissions from the purchase of energy (Scope 2).


We are reducing indirect emissions along the upstream and downstream supply chain (Scope 3).


We produce more energy from sustainable sources than is required for our paper production (2030 Koehler Promise).

Area of Action 5

People, the Key to Success


Training rate

∅ 25h

Further training (per employee, per year)


LTIFR (number of accidents per 200,000 hours worked)


LTISR (average duration of absence after an accident in days)


Health rate (inverted representation of sickness rate)

Good neighbor


We uphold the values and culture of the Koehler Group.


Fluctuation (employee-determined departures as a percentage of the average workforce)


Retention rate​ (employee retention over a three-year period)​


Leadership fill rate​ (proportion of vacant leadership positions filled by internal applicants)​

Area of Action 6

Growing the Company’s Value


Revenue in billions of euros


Revenue share of product innovations and services


Paper turnover in metric tons (per year)


Electricity generation in gigawatt hours (per year)


Heat generation in gigawatt hours (per year)


Equity ratio


EcoVadis Platinum rating (or EcoVadis rating >80%)


Expenditure for maintenance and modernization measures in millions of euros (per year)


Research quota (R&D spending as a percentage of turnover)


Patent usage rate ​(proportion of patents that are registered to us and are actively used)​